Sunday, February 7, 2010


Rem: First name, last initial

Find the Unit Rate

1. 24 water bottles for $3.99
2. 6 bagels for $2.95
3. 64oz steak for $24.95
4. 2 liter soda for $1.99

Compare Rates (which is the better deal)

5. 8 rolls for $2.98 or 12 rolls for $4.00
6. 48 oz. Orange Juice for $3.00 or 64 oz Orange Juice for $5.00
7. 5 pounds of potatoes for $2.09 or 10 lbs for $3.99
8. 5 CD's for $30.00 or 2 CD's for $12.00

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Monday, February 1, 2010


Rem: First name, last initial

Working with Exponents
(3^2 means 3 to the power of 2)

1. 3^2 x 3^2 =

2. 5^2 x 5^3 =

4. 10^5 x 10^4 =

5. 2^2 x 2^6 x 2^3 =

6. (7^3)^5 =

7. (4^3)^2 =

8. (3^2)^3 =

9. 4^3 x 3^2 =

10. 6^1 x 3^3 =